“My Place” is all about you. Consider this your haven. A safe place where you can explore who you are and who you want to become. There are no right or wrong answers.
This module hits on key areas like figuring out how you learn best, which is extremely helpful in college. What your strengths, interests and career goals might be and learning how to speak up for your self in a positive way.
Most professionals recommend building a career around your strengths. First of all, you need to know what strengths you currently have. And you probably have more than you realize. If you believe your only strengths are in sports or a particular subject, you’d be surprised how this module will help you learn about strengths like character traits and qualities.
Next, we need to figure out your interests. This module presents some ideas and activities to begin defining your career goals. What do you like to do? What things hold your attention? If you don’t know what you wanna be when you grow up, join the crowd. There are plenty of ways to help you decide.
This module also looks at your disability. Colleges and businesses recruit students with different backgrounds and that certainly includes people with disabilities. Do you really understand what your disability is? How would you describe it to one of your friends or a teacher? This module will provide activities for you to get a better idea about what having a disability means, what your general rights are and how to feel comfortable talking about it with others.
Remember, self-discovery is an ongoing process. And everything you learn about yourself now can contribute to your college success and the future.